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Zhuldyz Sagatbek
Guide/tour guide


+7 747 428 96 10


+7 747 428 96 10






Kazakh, Chinese



Number in the registry


Information about the guide

I grew up in the steppes and lived a nomadic lifestyle, which strongly influenced my love for nature and the culture of my people. That is why I chose a profession in tourism. After moving from China to Kazakhstan, I realised that I wanted to use my skills and passion for this industry to contribute to the development of my homeland, and I am ready to put all my heart and talent into this process.

Types of excursions



for children


Description of the author's tour

I will introduce you to the Kazakh yurt. It is the most widespread and unique type of traditional Kazakh dwelling, which has significant historical, cultural and scientific value. Kiiz is an outstanding achievement of Kazakh ancestors and a magnificent example of architecture. The yurt is easy to carry and move, durable and comfortable to live in, provides warmth in winter and coolness in summer, and is resistant to cold, rain and earthquakes.

Guided tours

I will provide students with information about Astana Expo Park and the Central Museum, explain to adult tourists the history and future of Astana, and introduce older tourists to traditional Kazakh cultural customs.

Interesting facts

I introduce Chinese tourists to the great Kazakh personality Abai Kunanbayev. The tourists compare him with great interest with the great Chinese thinker Mr Lu Xin and consider the book ‘Abai’s Way’ on a par with the Chinese work ‘Red Palace’.

Reviews of the guide

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