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Оксана Танская
Tanskaya Oxana
Guide/tour guide


8777 29 89 049


8777 29 89 049









Number in the registry


Information about the guide

I am neither a local history or art history encyclopaedia nor a monotonously broadcasting audio guide, but I am a passionate collector of historical episodes and an admirer of the world of fine arts, as well as an experienced collector of Almaty artefacts and a “sommelier” of urban stories. All my excursions, whether they are museum or city, country or thematic, as well as lectures on the history of art or a series of virtual travelling around the city, are made of this marvellous mix. Well, the most favourite for me personally, as well as for my guests, was the author’s historical tour called “From Verninsk quarters to the avenues of Almaty” (C). By the way, I also voice audio-guides, because I have a beautiful voice, but … this is another story))) Certified tour guide in Russian since 2006. I am an art historian by education. By profession TV presenter, announcer. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Curator of art exhibitions and auctions. Member of KTA. Ex-head of the excursion department of the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteev.

Types of excursions


local history

historical and biographical

natural sciences




for children




Description of the author's tour

Author’s sightseeing tour around the city “From Verninsk quarters to the avenues of Alma-Ata”. The excursion plunges into a historical cross-section starting from the pre-revolutionary era of the city, through the Soviet period, to the era of independence. We will find out how old the town really is, see its pre-revolutionary wooden architecture, take a walk in the former Federation Park and, if desired, visit the complex of the active convent. During the excursion we will learn how ”stanitsa became the capital”, where the ”abode of evil” is located, why the first name of the city was the name of a Christian martyr, where Broadway is located in the city, why during the years of World War II the capital of Kazakhstan was called the ”Soviet Hollywood”, where Lev Trotsky, Galina Ulanova, Sergey Lemishev, Sergey Eisenstein, Konstantin Paustovsky and other world-famous legends of national culture temporarily lived in the city and, finally, why Alma-Ata is called the city of gardens and flowers, as well as the birthplace of apples…

Guided tours

Themes of excursions and weekend tours: 1. Almaty sightseeing tour 2. Rock petroglyphs of Tanbaly 3. Budis writings of Tamgaly Tas on Ili 4. Canyons of Charyn and Temirlik 5. Sak burial mounds 6. Turgen waterfalls 7. Issyk Lake 8. Big Almaty Lake 9. Thematic excursions around the city with visits to museums’ artists’ studios’ galleries with master-classes or lectures….

Reviews of the guide

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