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КTA tour and tourist guides courses

KTA and Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism invite you!

Tour and tourist guides courses have been functioning since 1999, using many years of experience in this sphere of the Almaty city bureau of travels and excursions, accumulated during 60-90-x years.

In particular, we have kept the classical number of training hours and, of course, the programme has all the necessary changes reflecting the current state of excursion methodology, as well as the requirements of pedagogical, geographical and other sciences.

In fact, our students master the course “Excursion studies” according to the programme of higher school, and also have the opportunity to listen to lectures on local history, which are read by highly qualified specialists. Classes include lectures, seminars, practical classes, which are held in the evening 2 times a week from 15 February to 15 May.

Format: online + offline

At the end of the course, trainees are required to:

Pass an oral credit in local history.

Write and defend an individual text of the excursion on a selected topic.

Pass certification to confirm the qualification of a guide of the 3rd category.

Persons who have successfully completed the training are awarded the qualification of a guide of the 3rd category with the issuance of a certificate of the established sample.

Oleg Luterovich

He has been a supervisor of KTA and Kazakh Academy of Sport Tourism guide courses from 1999 to the present time.

Lyuterovich O. is an educator guide, the author of many educational and methodological works, monographs: “Excursion activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan” – textbook, 2016, “Tamgaly – landscapes of memory” – textbook, 2016, “Technological maps of excursions in Almaty tourist region, 2016, “Three popular excursions in Semirechye” – textbook, 2016, “200 excursion objects of Almaty” – textbook, 2018, “150 excursion objects of Almaty region” – textbook, 2020, “Excursion Studies” – textbook, 2021, “Specifics of excursion enterprise work” – textbook, 2021, “Features of excursions on different topics” textbook, 2022.

In addition, Oleg Lyuterovich is engaged in scientific activities, writes various scientific articles in the field of tourism. 

In Scopus database: Mountain tourism in Kazakhstan as an important factor of physical education Ponte Academic Journal, sep.2017.

In the base of CQASE of RK: “System approach in the development of educational trajectories for the training of tourism industry specialists for excursion service”, 2020, “Retrospective analysis of the historical line of development of excursion service”, 2020.

International scientific-practical conferences: “Improvement of tourist navigation modelling system for popularisation of Almaty cluster”, March 2019, On some approaches to training of tour guides “Modern tendencies of tourism and hospitality industry development” 2 February 2022.

Republican magazines: “Subjective view on objective circumstances”, 2019, “What’s in my name in you…Streets of Almaty”, 2020, “Greening of Vernyi”, 2020, “Procession of golden beasts” 2021.

Luterovich O. is one of the developers of the first professional standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of tourism in 2010, also has various awards: a letter of appreciation for active assistance in conducting refresher courses for tour guides within the framework of the workshop organised by the Department of tourism, physical culture and sports of Akmola region, an award for participation in the traditional mass ascent “Kazakhstan Alpiniada” to peak Nursultan (4376m) in support of the 7th Winter Asian Games 2011, letter of thanks from the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, decision on election as an academician of the International Public Organisation “Academy of Children’s and Youth Tourism and Local History named after A.A. Ostapets – Sveshnikov” in the specialty “Children’s and Youth Tourism and Local History”, certificate of participation in the ” Kazakstan Respublikasyn udemel industriyaly-innovaciyaly damytudyn 2010-2014 zhyldarga arnalgan memlekettyk bagdarlamasy shenberynde Almaty klalasynda turistik salany damytu”, certificate of completion of the course on training of instructors of tourist years and practical course on training of tourist guides, issued by the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations together with UNWTO. Laureate diploma of the international exhibition, the best educational and methodical publication in the industry “Technological maps of excursions in Almaty tourist region”, Laureate diploma of the international exhibition, the best educational and methodical publication in the industry “Three popular excursions in Semirechye”, Laureate diploma of the international exhibition, the best educational and methodical publication in the industry “Guidebook of Almaty”, letter of gratitude of the Akimat of Almaty 2020.

Orazymbetova Bakytkhan

She is an educator guide, a member of the National Commission of UNESCO on Intangible Cultural Heritage, a national trainer of WSE, a member of the International Council of Museums, a member of ICOM RK, an expert of the project “Western Europe – Western China”, a national trainer of WFTGA UNWTO, an expert on tourism, also Orazymbetova B. for many years headed the excursion department in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for 4 years headed the museum of the Republican Museum of Sports and Olympic Glory.

She conducted many excursions to get acquainted with Kazakhstan for domestic and foreign guests. For example, at one time she introduced the ex-first lady of the USA and American statesman Hillary Clinton, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, world-famous Russian weapons designer Mikhail Kalashnikov to the Kazakh culture.

For 23 years, since 1999, she has been a curator of tour guide training courses.

In addition, she was honoured with the “Best Tour Guide of Kazakhstan” award in 2016. She participated in the development of analyses of historical and cultural resources in Pavlodar region, master plans for tourism development in Almaty, Zhambyl and Aktobe regions. In addition, she conducted training courses for excursion guides, tour guides and advanced training courses on behalf of local executive bodies.

List of awards: ICOM Medal for the contribution to the development of the museum business, Badge of Honour of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State Fund for Support of Culture and Art of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Badge “For Merit in the Development of Tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Tourism and Sports dated 13 September 2009, Certificate of Honour of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 30th anniversary of Independence.

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