Information about the guide
Tour guide, journalist, local historian. A lot of my own historical research. I give lectures on the history of the region. Travelling all over the world.
Types of excursions
local history
historical and biographical
Description of the author's tour
Very large portfolio of author’s tours. For example, Cemetery Walks. This is a fascinating journey through former and active cemeteries, where the most famous people of our city are buried. And in general – the history of cemeteries is the history of the city, no matter how strange it sounds.
And also there are author’s tours devoted to separate known citizens: the head of republic Kunayev, architects Zenkovs, writer Dombrovsky, artist Kalmykov…. There is an author’s tour dedicated to the period of repressions in the country. The list is enormous
Guided tours
City sights, museums, historical tours to Zharkent, Konaev, Taraz, Shymkent, Semipalatinsk and other cities.
Interesting facts
I do archival research, I include their results in my tours and publish them in my articles. This is unique content.
Reviews of the guide
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