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Шуланбаев Чингиз
Shulanbayev Chingiz
Guide/tour guide








Russian, English, Kazakh



Number in the registry


Information about the guide

My name is Shulanbayev Chingiz! I started my career as a tour guide in English in Almaty and was accredited in the Tourist Information and Methodological Centre at the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism. My supervisors were Orazymbetova Bakhyt and Luterovich Oleg, who are experts in the field of tourism in Kazakhstan. On the basis of these 210-hour courses, I received a certificate of guide-excursor from the Kazakhstan Tourist Association. I also took first aid courses in the Red Crescent of Kazakhstan. Then I worked as a tour guide in Almaty and Almaty region. Repeatedly conducted excursions and tours in Ile-Alatau National Parks, such locations as Medeu Gorge (Kumbel Peak, Furmanov Peak, Titov Peak), Big Almaty Lake, Turgen Gorge (Bear Waterfall, Kairak), Assy Plateau. Charyn National Park, National Park Kolsai Kolderi (Lakes Kolsai, Kayyndy) National Park Zhongar-Alatau (waterfall Burhan Bulak), National Park Altyn Emel (mountains Aktau, Katu Tau, Singing Barkhan, Beshatyr barrows, gorge Kyzyl auyz. Tamgaly Tas and the city of nomads. Tanbaly (UNESCO), Dzhambul House-Museum. Further expanded my practical knowledge with the guests of our country as a guide-driver to such locations as the ancient city of Balasagun, the ancient city of Kone Taraz, the mausoleum of Karakhan, the mausoleum of Aisha Bibi, the mausoleum of Tek Turmas, ancient city of Akir Tas, Ak Mosque cave, ancient city of Otrar, ancient city of Sauran, mausoleum of Arystan Bab, mausoleum of Turkestan City, mausoleum of Ukash Ata, mausoleum of Kara Bura, Aksu Dzhabagly protected area, Kyzylorda city, Korkyt Ata museum, Baikonur city, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Aralsk city, Aral Sea.

Types of excursions


historical and biographical

natural sciences



Description of the author's tour

“Hot springs of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan” is a journey that starts and ends in Almaty. Enjoy the beautiful views of Central Asia. Explore the hidden hot springs of the Altyn-Arashan Gorge on off-road vehicles and enjoy kayaking on Lake Issyk-Kul. Discover the beauty of breathtaking canyons and the extraordinary atmosphere of the lakes of the Tien Shan Mountains.

Guided tours

National parks: Ile Alatau, Kolsay Lakes, Charyn Canyon, Altyn-Emel.

Interesting facts

I organise tours not only to the most popular places, but also to unique and rarely visited corners of our country.

Reviews of the guide

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